Painting & Drawing

A Job in Science Illustrating?

A Job in Science Illustrating?

Are you someone who is passionate about science, and love to draw a good picture?  Well, the profession of Science Illustrator may be just right for you.  This article follows the story of how Dino Pulerà ended up discovering and excelling in this field.

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Visual arts + Calculus

“A common calculus exercise is to present a function and have students plot its graph,” explains Croatian math and computer science teacher Maja Cvitkovic. “But this is too passive for me.” To help students gain greater insight into functions and their corresponding graphs, Cvitkovic turned the traditional exercise “upside down,” as she describes it. Her...

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The Artist is a Mathematician

The Artist is a Mathematician

Carla Farsi is a mathematician AND artist, and her career seems to be a constant dialogue and dialectic between the two, rather than a simple collaboration.  She points out the deep similarities between art and mathematics from the point of view of the practitioner: “Something that is logical, that makes a mathematical theorem, also makes some kind of a visual statement about structure and...

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The Chemistry of Paint

The Chemistry of Paint

One in a series of articles and bibiliographies on chemistry and art.

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History of Computers and Art

History of Computers and Art

Bell Labs in the early 1960s was where art and computer science were colliding enthusiastically.  A. Michael Noll was pursuing 2D and 3D graphics;  he and Edward E. Zajac, Frank Sinden, and Kenneth C. Knowlton were pioneering computer animation; Max V. Mathews and John R. Pierce were using early computers to create music. In 1965 Noll along with two other pioneers within the field of early...

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Looking Back at the Future – The History of Computer Art

Computers and art have been associated for a very long time.  A. Michael Noll created his work by programming an IBM 7090 computer at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ in 1962. Noll’s interest in abstract art informed his experiments, and many early works referred to 20th century masters like Mondrian and Picasso. Noll went on to create stereographic 3D computer animated movies of...

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